Labels:book | chat room | poster | reckoner | sky | window | windowpane OCR: Apple Disk 20SC System Requirements To use arn Apple Disk XISC To use an Apple Hard Disk 20SC with a Macirtosh personal with an Applc I1c Applc HGS puler E5T111 perxonal coamputer you must SCST xrt have Apple II ScSI Interface: Curl Protuct Details SCSt expansion devices m an Apple ITe or. Appk Uf 'S'l lexpansion Le:tsi you connec 5'D]] . or as many :15 Six toa ALLL ST as three additional ISOS Macintosh. Technical Specifications Capacity caqaciry: 2 neaabuer (fommatted) [][3 surfaces: Heass/Sufface: Block size: $12 bytes Total disk blocks: 41.000 Bloxcks. "Track: ... Characteristic Average seck time: milliseconds Rotational spacd: 3.6 rpi11 Startup tire- seconds Spin-lowi limne: seconds .... .... ........ ... -... Interface Connexts to the Connects to the Apple Hite or Macintosh Pus. Macin ...